Having created about 100 images on MidJourney over the past few days I have come…

Having created about 100 images on MidJourney over the past few days I have come to the conclusion we have 2 choices when creating images of people – especially where hands are in the photo.

1. Accept the failings to create realistic hands.
2. Take the best version from MidJourney and edit it in Photoshop using generative fill (FireFly).
Here’s an example: The first image is the best of several I got from MidJourney. The faces are good, the furnishings and scene. However, the hands are dreadful, and I could imagine several ways of improving the image. I could spend a lot of time trying to get MidJourney to give me a more accurate image or, as I chose to do, save it and work on it in PS, which I did – which is the second image after 30 mins in PS – my edits pointed out with arrows.
Oh, and I added a kitty cat too.


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