Claude is so forgetful. What? Yep. Dreadfully forgetful. Today I have been cod…

Claude is so forgetful. What? Yep. Dreadfully forgetful.

Today I have been coding. Writing a custom WordPress plugin that adds SEO features to wordpress without a bloated plugin. Anyway, it was going well and I kept giving ChatGPT my files to make suggestions and get help adding features I wasn’t sure how to code.

ChatGPT was great… Except when it stopped, truncated things and, well, became a pain in the arse. However, although it had a few issues with long code, after a mega long thread I asked it to recall all the features and write a report and document what the plugin did.
It nailed it. 100%.
I gave Claude go later because many people have said it’s good for coding but even after a few edits and back and forth exchanges, it was throwing code back at me that was completely different to what I gave it for suggestions and it even decided to change file names, shove css, js and php together in one file even though we’d been working on separate files all along.
Later when I had lost patience with it, I asked it to document the plugin, file structure and how the files work together.
OMG! It documented files I didn’t have, gave it a name we’d not used and, all in all, proved it has the memory of a goldfish.
Any suggestions for a reliable LLM/AI that is very good at code (HTML, PHP, JS, CSS)?


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