2. Visage Plat :
– the flat face of the statue symbolizes the erasing of individuality. And her black hole eye evokes mystery and embodies emptiness, recalling death and infinity. It evokes the passage to another state of existence, a doorway to the unknown, or an allegory of the beyond.
3. Posture :
– The sitting posture of the statue, the hands placed contemplatively, reminds of religious or meditative statues. Suggest a state of reflection, meditation, spiritual transcendence.
4. Couleurs :
– The splashes of red, green and yellow on the surface of the statue add a modern and dynamic dimension to a classic and timeless shape. These colors symbolize life, energy, and vitality, contrasting with the grey and motionless stone.
Symbolism and Interpretation
1. Contrast between life and immobility:
– The contrast between bright colors and cold, still stone symbolizes the duality between life and death, movement and stillness, or emotion and rationality. It invites the viewer to reflect on these oppositions and their coexistence.
2. Absence d’Individualité :
– The flat face and the absence of distinct features represents a universal or archetypal figure, referring to an idea of collective humanity rather than a specific individual. This also evokes the idea of anonymity in the crowd or the loss of personal identity in a uniform society.
3. Meditation and Contemplation :
– Meditative posture and laid hands suggest a search for inner peace, wisdom, or spiritual connection. This work is therefore an invitation to contemplation and introspection.
#nicolasamori #digitalart #haitianvodou #haitianart #haitianculture